A workshop series designed to relax and heal. When we get stressed and tired our bodies can hold tension physically and energetically.
Each week includes ancient healing practices designed to purify the body and connect body, mind and soul. The practices I will be sharing include breath work (pranayama), sound healing with crystal bowls, meditation and chanting (use of vibration to resolve inner discords). Some sessions will use a mixture of techniques and others only use one.
30th January – Breathwork (pranayama) and meditation.
In this workshop I will guide you through basic breathwork (pranayama) for stimulation and relaxation followed by basic meditation.
6th February – Breathwork (pranayama), meditation and chanting.
In this workshop we will practice similar exercises as well as chanting. I will use an instrument called a harmonium, which is traditionally used for chanting. It lifts your vibration.
13th February – Guided relaxation.
In this workshop you lay down with blankets and bolsters whilst I guide you into a state of deep relaxation. Relaxation is the remedy for stress and fatigue.
20th February – Sound bath.
In this workshop I will play crystal bowls whilst you lay in relaxation absorbing the vibrations from the bowls. Each bowl has a different sound (vibration) that stimulates a specific energy centre in the body. As the body absorbs the sounds, energetic blockages begin to clear.