Supplements & Their Anti-aging Benefits.

Join us on Wednesday, 25th January 2023 as Dr. Angelova and Dr. Kisyova help us to answer the question: Is it possible that correct supplementation can not only improve our vitality & appearance, but also extend our life?

Date: Wednesday, 25th January

Time: 5 - 6pm

Venue: KX Club Room

  Our knowledge of the molecular basis of ageing has greatly increased over the past few decades. Nowadays, we all understand the great benefits of supplements and luckily have access to a wide range of them. However, we still need to consider hyper-personalisation as a key element of choosing the right supplements for us. One of the organs to first show signs of stress, tiredness, dehydration, photo ageing, lack of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals is our skin. Having healthy skin is the main building block for any anti-ageing treatments, and having optimal nutrition and supplementation tailored for our specific needs is an essential part of this process. Please note: This is a member's only event    

Dr Melanie Angelova

Dermatologist & Functional Medicine Practitioner

Dr Angelova is a dermatologist and a functional medicine practitioner that studied both in Bulgaria and in Canada. She is an expert in establishing the triggers that can have an effect in modulating the ageing process and functional degenerative component of life progress. The main focus of her practice is to help patients establish their optimal level of wellbeing by developing a tailored plan including the use of IV infusions, lifestyle modifications and supplementation amongst others. She has treated patients with chronic and autoimmune conditions and worked side by side with naturopathic doctors. By implementing medical protocols in combination with holistic therapies, Dr Melanie Angelova can help you maintain optimal health and alleviate symptoms of pre-existing chronic conditions or current imbalances in the body.

Dr. Rumi Kisyova MD MSc(Lon) MRSC (Eng)

Plastic & Reconstruction Surgery Doctor

Dr. Rumi Kisyova is a plastic and reconstruction surgery doctor with a special interest in skin health and skin cancer. She completed a Master’s degree in Clinical Neurosciences at King’s College, London and is a member of the British Medical Association and the Royal College of Surgeons. While Dr. Kisyova works as a full-time plastic surgeon and is also an aesthetic consultant passionate about ways to better the skin health of her patients and provide them with tailor-made anti-ageing care.